Saturday, April 3, 2010
Reflection - THINK! O-O?

Is it Inevitable?


It is unfair to blame countries such as Singapore to have little amount of land and lot of immigrants who wish to stay in Singapore due to the high standards of living and many job opportunities :)

It is also unfair to blame countries to want more land to develop their country further to rise the standards of living there.

Who wins and loses in the changes?

If its anyone who wins in the change for land, it is the people. If land supply is increased, the land used is for the benefit of the people. (for example: recreational purposes (Parks) or even housing (HDB))

Not only will the people have more facilities, they will have jobs too.THINK! Who reclaims the land? Who tends the hydroponic farms? (which too, will decrease human labour) PEOPLE! The change of land offers jobs.

People too lose out in the change of more land. They lose out in a nature experience. As i have posted in an other post, a lady had wrote in to TODAY between the difference of East Coast Park and Pulau Ubin.ITS NOT THE SAME.

OUR MOTHER EARTH IS DYING. we are killing it further as we are destroying land (land reclamation) and forests (land clearance)

The government also loses out as it costs a lot of money. It isnt a small sum. The government is spending millions-billion of dollars to have a small plot of land.

Who/What is responsible for the change?

I think that humans are responsible for this change as i have said before, they want to improve the lives of the people and develop their country further.

By: Toh Wen Feng


Wen Feng thought hard on 4:59 AM.