Friday, April 2, 2010
High Density Buildings :)

What is the difference between the 1st type of building and the 2nd?

What is a HDB?

Due to the advancement in technology, it has enabled us to have taller buildings. They are called High Density buildings as they have many people in the building (the people are "dense" per unit square.)

Google Definition: /- NONE :O

Pros & Cons of High Density Buildings

1) More people can live on a small piece of land.

1) Result in traffic of people and vehicles (as more people want to get to one place) (VIDEO!!!
2) Squeezy [apartments are usually small and the buildings are very close together] (VIDEO!!!

HDB in Singapore.

In Singapore...

In Singapore majority of the people live in High Density Buildings which we all know as HDB's or Condo's :D This enables many people to live in Singapore.

Hong Kong is another place which is famous for using HIGH DENSITY BUILDINGS :D

By: Toh Wen Feng (17)

EARTH OUR HOME 2nd edition textbook

Wen Feng thought hard on 1:21 AM.